понедельник, 10 января 2011
Очередная фигня по Саут парку Х)
читать дальшеStan:
[x] Your favourite colour is blue.
[] You have an older sister.
[x] Your dad has an interesting job.
[x] You think school's ok because you get to see your friends.
[x] You like to think you're kind and compassionate.
[x] You're vegetarian.
[] You're likeable and outgoing.
[] You have a girlfriend/boyfriend.
[] You have blue eyes.
[x] You like sports.
6/10 Stan
[] Your favourite colour is green.
[x] You have a younger brother.
[] You're relatively well-off financially.
[] You're pretty intelligent.
[] You're deep, philosophical, love to question things.
[] You stand up to assholes and aren't a pushover.
[x] You're a complex person.
[] You have red hair. (Partly. Dyed)
[] You're clueless when it comes to the opposite sex.
[] Trends can suck your balls.
2/10 Kyle
[] Your favourite colour is orange.
[] You have an older brother.
[/] You're poor & dislike your house.
[] School's where you get your next meal!
[x] You're mostly indifferent to politics/ethical issues.
[] You do/have done drugs.
[] You have light blue eyes.
[] You're a flirt and love secks.
[] You don't have a best friend.
[x] You get along with most people.
2.5/10 Kenny
[x] Your favourite colour is light blue.
[] You're an only child.
[/] You were raised by a single parent.
[] You like school cos you get to piss around.
[x] You don't care about worldly issues.
[x] You can be a huge dick sometimes.
[x] You have hazel eyes.
[x] You have a kitty.
[x] You like food a lot.
[x] You can get away with things easily.
7,5/10 Cartman
[x] Your favourite colour is teal.
[ ] You're an only child.
[ ] Your parents run their own business.
[x] You don't like school.
[x] You're neurotic and hyper.
[x] You love coffee.
[x] You're shy.
[] You don't like horror movies.
[x] You feel not many people understand you.
[] You have blond hair.
6/10 Tweek
[x] Your favourite colour is dark blue.
[x] You have a younger sister.
[x] Your family's dysfunctional.
[x] You have black hair.
[] You're pragmatic and like boring things.
[] You don't like sports or physical exertion.
[] Flipping people off is funny~
[] Some people really piss you off.
[x] You like it safe and easy.
[x] You're passive and reserved.
6/10 Craig
[x] Your favourite colour is turquoise.
[] You're an only child.
[] You're constantly being grounded/told off.
[] You have light blond hair. (I swear I answered this...-.-)
[x] You're sweet and innocent
[x] You're very likeable.
[] You're a pushover and people walk all over you.
[] You're naive and sometimes clueless.
[] You trust people too easily.
[] You're a pussy (and you aren't ashamed of it!).
3/10 Butters
[] Your favourite colour is red.
[] You're an only child.
[] You're rich.
[x] You're spoilt by your parents.
[x] You're a pussy/cry-baby/bitch sometimes.
[x] You're a brunette.
[] You're slightly arrogant.
[] You love tacos.
[] You're kinda simple/shallow.
[] You follow trends.
3/10 Clyde
Вау...я КартманХ))))
south park,
Мне не нужно оружие, я владею силами Ада!
Ну ничем тебе не угодишьХ)
Мне может угодить покорение.
Все, что угодно, кроме этого!!!
Я помогу тебе с Картманом.
Да, у меня с Картманезом все в порядке))
Осторожней с ним. Он способен дать многое, но взамен... Пожалуй, порой он опаснее меня!
Нет, этот не такой...он конечно часто вредничает, но вообще он хорошийХ)...
Все они, Картманы, такие.
Да, чтобы их вытерпеть, нужно большое терпениеХ)
Давай закроем эту тему, а?ХДД
Меня ввели в заблуждение, что твой дневник закрытый.
зачем его закрывать, если тут читать нечего..Вот я и флудила)
ХД..Спасибо..будет, что на досуге перечитать.
Да уж)
Может удалить?Х)
Не надо)
ХД...ладно...да и лениво как-то.
Да вряд ли сюда кто-то целенаправленно полезет. Пост-то не новый.
А вдруг сюда проберется шпион?!!!
Проверяй статистику, чтобы вычислить и уничтожить! Я убью любого, кто проникнет в наши планы!
Их двое. Причем один уже знакомая нам блондинка.