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Which Invader Zim Character are YOU??!!
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[] you like pigs and mooses
[] you get along with everyone(almost xD)
[] you love to sing the doom song
[/] you can stay serious for ONLY 5 seconds
[x] you have bad memory
[/] you believe everything everyone says
[/] when someone tells you something you reply with 'i understand'
[] you don't get what anyone says
[] you love t.v.
[] you love chocolate bubblegum
Total: 2,5
[] you want to be ruler of the world
[x] some people think your crazy
[x] you have an insane friend(s)
[ ] you have an enemy you would help out
[ ] you hate human affection
[х] someone in your life accuses you of being an alien ( в шутку разве чтоХ))
[x] you think you are evil (конеечноХ))))
[x] some people think your stupid
[ ] some people laugh at you behind your back
[/] you're actually really smart(Во всяком случае мне так говорят...)
Total: 5,5
[x] you wear glasses (ага...солнечныеХ))
[x] some people think your crazy(некоторые?)
[x] you believe in aliens
[x] you have a sibling that is mean to you
[ ] you like your enemies friend(i hate их... Х_х)
[/] your enemy has been known to help you out
[x] you and your enemy have fought in class
[x] kids laugh at you
[x] you talk to yourself (чаще чем Диб...блинХ_х)
[/] your dad thinks your insane (боюсь, что даХС)
Total: 8
[x] you have a sibling that annoys you
[x] if you wanted you could take over the world yourself(если бы хотела...ага...)
[/] you're the best at playing any game(ну, я быстро схватываю... я думаю..)
[] you father thinks your funny
[] you don't care what your siblings say
[] you're good at getting revenge
[x] you love to eat food
[] you have a skull necklace
[] you love the color purple
[] you been in at least one fight
Total: 3,5
[/] you love revenge
[x] you have a cat
[] you've had guys try and flirt with you.
[ ] you would love to take over the world
[x] your friend is smart and reliable
[/] if someone makes fun of you they're quick to apologize
[/] you don't care what people think of you
[x] you have at least one mole on your body
[ ] no one dares to mess with you
[x] you have an enemy you have wanted to get back at, but you're waiting for the right moment
Total: 5,5
[x] Your Tall
[x] Your best friend is only your friend because they are as tall as you
[x] Your always snacking
[x] You have no idea how "close" you are to your best friend
[] Death to all who don't respect your height!
[x] Your voice is ether very powerful or very funny
[ ] Your name is a color
[x] Your confused at a certain person all the time
[ ] ALL hope is LOST when the Snacks and Food Stamps ARE GONE!!!
[ ] You should like what other people built
Total: 6
Dib 8? Вау!)).. Хотя высочайшие мне подходят больше... я думаюХ)